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Tracy’s Melanzane alla Parmigiana Recipe

Food and Drink Italy Tuscany

January 18, 2021 by Untours Staff

Our Tuscany UnTour staff Tracy Hyde has been busier than you might expect during this pandemic that has frozen travel. She has turned her talents to Zoom and invited UnTourists into her kitchen to learn to make traditional Italian dishes with her. Here’s Tracy’s recipe for eggplant parmigiana, along with wine recommendations. In addition to…  

Cooking with Tracy: Mushroom Risotto Recipe

Food and Drink Italy Tuscany

July 20, 2020 by Special Guest

Come to our virtual Tuscany kitchen! Cooking with Tracy is one of our new UnTours at Home virtual experiences! Done live from Tuscany over Zoom, our Tuscany UnTour host Tracy is teaching some of the classics. Here is her recipe for mushroom risotto, part of one of her most popular cooking classes. Risotto ingredients: 8 ounces carnaroli arborio rice…