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Amber’s Italy: Venice, Florence, and Rome in photos.

Travel Tips

February 7, 2022 by Untours Staff

Italian cities offer something for everyone, and its three best-known cities are each so distinct. Amber Martin, our Italian UnTour Director, has shared a few of her favorite city photos from her recent travels to Italy this past November. Those who follow us on Instagram may have enjoyed her takeover, with photos from all six…  

Testaccio and the Aventino: Two Very Roman Neighborhoods

Italy Rome

August 5, 2021 by Andrea Szyper

On a brief visit, it is easy to miss the fact that Rome is a city of neighborhoods, and some of its greatest charms lie in the less touristy districts. (On a Rome UnTour you have time to explore these areas or can even stay in them for a week or more.) Meet a couple…  

The MacPhersons Conquer Rome and Skip the Crowds

Italy Rome

October 30, 2018 by Andrea Szyper

When most people think of Rome, they think of big city crowds and chaos, and surely there is that. It is all part of the fun and real life of a busy city. But the MacPhersons found another side of the Eternal City on their Rome UnTour, and they captured it well in their entries…