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Foundation Fridays: Let the River Run……….

Untours Foundation

February 17, 2012 by Elizabethkillough

……….Clean. Lots of our work at the UnTours Foundation is about clean water.  And what about those of us in the Global North, who have plenty of water? (I do realize that more and more of us in the North don’t in fact have enough!) What can we do to help the problem in addition to using less water and giving money toward clean water projects? Harvest our rain water.

Here’s a film about storm water by one of our Fair Trade Committee members, Emmy award winner, Maria Erades. This 9-minute film was made for the Philadelphia Water Department, but I think you will see its message is universal. It’s quite engaging. Give it a try!

Here’s pirate Maria at our Scare Trade Ball with her adorable son.

Have a great weekend!