Elizabeth Killough
Ishare Hal Taussig's passions for ending poverty, riding bikes, treasuring great books, and discovering just the right films on Netflix, so I joined him at the UnTours Foundation over a decade ago.
I'm grateful for the fun and loving culture Hal has created in the UnTours offices, the Gandhian sharing of office tasks, and the weird and sometimes useful things one can find on the "free" table in the kitchen.
My travels in Nicaragua and Honduras energized my lifelong work for peace and justice. One of my next trips will be with the Fair Trade Committee of Media, PA to visit our "sister city" of New Koforidua, Ghana. New Koforidua is home to Fair Trade Certified cocoa farmers, who own part of the wondrous Divine Chocolate company, one of the UnTours Foundation's most delicious investments.
On the marvelous Swiss UnTour I took in 2009 I hiked around the Alps with my then 87-years-young landlord, Hans Tanner! It whet my appetite to test drive every UnTour. The Greek UnTour is next on my list, and I would like a replay of Greek staff person Christos' wedding. I've heard that unsuspecting UnTourists got to attend!
In my off-hours, I'm delighted with my new tumbler composter, my vegetable garden, and the animals who sometimes dine there.