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Untours Featured Property: Vlasska

Czech Rep. Czech Republic Prague

May 3, 2012 by Nickfortunatus

Although UnTours are about so much more than the great apartments you stay in, we want to give you an idea of the types of apartments we have to help you make more informed decisions when choosing your UnTour. So, each week, we’ll be featuring a property for you. Enjoy! VlasskaWhen I reminisce about my…  

Slow Riding in Prague

Czech Rep. Czech Republic Prague Travel Tips

May 1, 2012 by Nickfortunatus

Photo courtesy of DPP If you’ve been reading this blog, you probably know that we’re covering UnTours regions on a monthly basis. And, as today is the 1st of May, we’re starting a new region: Eastern Europe, which, for the purposes of this month’s blog, is comprised of Prague and Budapest. And, if you’ve been…