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Belle Edson, Untourist of the Week

Italy Tuscany Untourist of the Week

November 5, 2013 by Mtaussig

1. Tell us a little bit about your most recent Untour.

My most recent trip was to Tuscany, specifically to Le Chiuse and Montalcino. I have been back to this location twice as Lorenzo is such a lovely host, the vineyard is so beautiful, and the little village is such a wonderful place to wander in. In addition, Harriet is the perfect Untour guide.

2. Why did you choose to go there?

I love Tuscany because of Siena, Florence, and all the little villages in between. In addition, Harriet was extremely helpful in guiding us to see lots of villages and areas that we may never have ventured towards had she not suggested them.

3. What is your favorite UnTours memory?

My favorite memory of all my UnTours I have been on is sitting poolside or in the yard of the apartments where you stay and meeting people from all over the world. I have met some of the most interesting people participating in an Untour.

4. How is taking an Untour different from other ways of travelling?

Le Chiuseโ€”where they stayed

The big difference for me in taking an Untour is that you have a group of people to interact with who like different things than you, or who go on tours you wouldn’t go on and then tell you about them and you end up going to see something that you’d never have chosen! I also love the folks who go on UnTours; they are interesting people from many states in the US and also other countriesโ€”they often have travelled before and have great stories to tell!

5. If you could describe an Untour in just three words, what would they be?

Friendly, enlightening, fun.

6. Have you heard of our trailblazing UnTours Foundation? What do you think of a company whose profits have gone to create jobs among vulnerable populations through loans to pioneering, green businesses?

Good job, folks! I love this aspect of your company! Bravo.