By now, you’ve hopefully realized that there is more to Québec City than meets the eye. Posts like Marilee’s wonderful tips on Québec cuisine and the Québec adventures of UnTourists Don & Deby Elliott have already shed light on things to do and foods to eat in the Old Capital.
Today, though, I’d like to tell you a bit about getting around Québec, so you can see those great things and eat that tasty food.
One of the great things about Old Québec is how walkable it is. You can get anywhere you need to go from here by using any manner of transportation: walking, biking, busing or, my personal favorite, funicularing (that’s not a word, is it?) on the Funiculaire du Vieux-Québec.
While taking a bus in Québec City is only $7 for a day pass (and just $26 for a week), the funicular is just $2 and gives you great views of wonderful places like the historic Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, the bustling Quartier Petit Champlain and the fascinating Musée de la Civilisation.
On top of all that, funicular is just a fun word to say, isn’t it? Funicular.
What’s your favorite part of Québec City?