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Untourists of the Week: Don & Deby Elliott (again!) bicyclists extraordinaire

Biking Canada Quebec Untourist of the Week

March 12, 2012 by Mtaussig

Don and Deby Elliott were our UnTourists of the week last Monday.  When we saw all the amazing photos that they’d sent (unsolicited, from their Iphone, back las summer during their trip) we decided we’d just have to do two postings on the Elliotts. So the last week’s was a general overview of their trip, and this week’s slideshow focuses on their biking adventures. 

Besides being great UnTourists, the Elliotts are incredible bicycling enthusiasts.  Several times, they’ve bicycled through Europe completely on their own, so they are pretty much the definition of the independant traveler.  We’re all the more flattered, when, while talking to them for this series of posts, they stressed how having our guy in Quebec, Guy (That’s his name!) made all the difference in the world to them.    He helped them know the ropes, both living and biking-wise, in Quebec, so that they were simply free to explore on their own. 

One of the things we think is best about UnTour travel is something you DON’t get.  1)You don’t get herded around.  2)  You aren’t left with doing it all on your own, and being plagued, no matter how much advance planning you do, with that persistent sense that you’re missing something.  That’s what those amazing UnTour onsite staff people are picked for: their ability to put you in the know, without locking you into a someone else’s schedule.

Apparently Guy did this well with the Elliotts as they say, they felt truly at home in Quebec City.  Enjoy their biking adventures in the slideshow below.  Just click the screen to get it started, if it isn’t already playing.