Photo by Friejose (license) By now, you’ve hopefully realized that there is more to Québec City than meets the eye. Posts like Marilee’s wonderful tips on Québec cuisine and the Québec adventures of UnTourists Don & Deby Elliott have already shed light on things to do and foods to eat in the Old Capital. Today,…
Category Archives: Quebec
Untourists of the Week: Don & Deby Elliott (again!) bicyclists extraordinaire
Don and Deby Elliott were our UnTourists of the week last Monday. When we saw all the amazing photos that they’d sent (unsolicited, from their Iphone, back las summer during their trip) we decided we’d just have to do two postings on the Elliotts. So the last week’s was a general overview of their trip,…
On the menu this month: yummy culture clues from Quebec cuisine

Of all the provinces in Canada, Quebec has the deepest love affair going with food. Thanks, no doubt, to their French cultural heritage, the Quebecois are intensely interested in the art of eating well. How does this manifest itself? Small, elegant cafes and bistros all over the city, and sumptous country inns in the rural…
Québec City: More than just the (amazing) Château Frontenac
From its beginnings as the capital of New France (back in the early 1600s), to its current day sobriquet of the National Capital (to the Québecois), Quebec City is a wonder to behold and a dream to vacation in. Its remarkable history has made Vieux-Québec (Old Québec) a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985. There…
Untourists of the Week: Don & Deby Elliott

Don and Deby Elliott took their very first UnTour, to Quebec, in 2011. How did it go? We think Don’s quote, when he sent us the pictures from his Iphone, says it best: “It’s tough looking at the pictures and not being there. That’s when you know you had a good vacation!’ 1.”Tell us a…
The Brains Behind French (and French Canadian) Untours
As we March ahead with 2012, I feel it is important to introduce you to the terrific two that make UnTours France and UnTours Quebec City so incroyable and filled with that, how do you say?, je ne sais quoi. Meet Dodge Amaral and Mia Lehmann! If you’re even entertaining the thought of going to…